
More provinces wrap up U15 TDS Interprovincial trials

SAFA Free State, Limpopo and Gauteng held trials this past weekend in search of players that will represent them at the upcoming U15 TDS Interprovincial tournament scheduled for 8 July 2023. The Free State had a successful tournament and the province followed all the guidelines of selection, as per the request to play 9v9, while Gauteng invited all five regions to participate in the trials.

“Gauteng was very inclusive of all their regions and selected a squad of 31 players from around the province. They will trim the squad before the deadline of submission,” said SAFA Head of Scouts David Nyathi.

SAFA Technical Director Walter Steenbok travelled to the Free State this past weekend to attend the U15 trials and was very impressed with the talent he saw in his home province.

“A big thank you to the Free State for a well-organized U15 trial. I was very happy that the region conducted the trials in the correct format and rolling substitutions were enforced.

“It is also excepted that the Free State will give other teams a run for their money in the tournament, as we are known for rare talent,” said Steenbok. The SAFA Competitions department is currently working on finalising the invited teams for the tournament, which will be announced at the draw on 27 June 2023.

Source: South African Football Association