
Nsawam-Adoagyiri Assembly urged to avoid partisan politics to ensure growthMilitary procession of Geingob’s remains set for Friday

Mr Frank Annoh Dompreh, the Member of Parliament for Nsawam-Adoagyiri and Majority Chief Whip in Parliament, has called on the Assembly to avoid partisan politics and work to give the Municipality a facelift.

He said unity was paramount in enhancing development and urged the members to work in harmony with the citizenry to ensure the growth of the area.

Mr Annoh Dompreh said this at the endorsement of the two personalities by the 42-member Assembly.

The Assembly endorsed Mr Emmanuel Owusu Arthur as the Municipal Chief Executive, while Mr Amos Kwame Danso, the Assemblymember for Denso-so Electoral Area at Adoagyiri, was elected the Presiding Member.

Mr Dompreh plegded to use his share of the common fund to facilitate the completion of projects in the area to enhance the living conditions of the people.

Mr Seth Kwame Akyeampong, the Eastern Regional Minister, commended the Assembly members for the speedy endorsement of the two personalities saying it would aid development of the area.

He said the New Patr
iotic Party (NPP) was committed to continuing with projects in the communities and asked the citizens to support it in the coming elections.

Mr Owusu Arthur, the newly appointed Chief Executive, expressed gratitude to the members and assured of working with them in unity to bring more development to the municipality.

‘Let’s all come together to continue to construct and complete ongoing structures like schools, roads and other developmental projects in the municipality,’ he said.

Mr Danso, the Presiding Member, and Mr Jeremiah Agyekum Amoako, the Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipal Coordinating Director, called on the Regional Minister and the Member of Parliament to continue to support the Assembly in its development endeavours.

Source: Ghana News Agency

WINDHOEK: Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Emma Theofelus, on Tuesday announced that the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) will lead a military procession with the remains of the late President Hage Geingob across the capital city on Friday, allowing the public to pay their last respects.

She was speaking at the Government Information Center during the daily media briefing on the funeral arrangements of the late Geingob, who died on 04 February 2024. The exact routes will be announced on Wednesday afternoon, she said, adding that 27 countries will be attending Geingob’s funeral on Sunday, 18 of whom will be led by their Heads of State.

‘The rest of the delegations are led by either prime ministers, speakers or ambassadors. During this time, the Government urges road users to adhere to traffic rules and regulations regarding motorcades,’ Theofelus said.

A musical tribute will be held on Wednesday from 16h00 until late in memory of Geingob. The public can obtain free tickets at Webtickets to
attend this event at any Pick ‘n Pay store, Theofelus added.

‘Many will recall that Dr Hage Geingob avidly supported local music. He attended music awards and was known for his great moves during public interactions. This concert will allow Namibian musicians to celebrate the life of the ‘People’s President’ as many have fondly remembered him over the past few weeks. There are no planned activities for Thursday,’ the minister said.

Theofelus further dispelled rumors that 650 Southern African Development Community (SADC) policers are in the country, stating the information is false.

‘The official memorial service of the late President will take place on Saturday, 24 February 2024, at the Independence Stadium in Windhoek, where the Chief Mourner, H.E. Dr Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia and other international guests will pay tribute to the late president for his contribution during the liberation struggle and in an independent Namibia.

The gates at the Independence Stadium will open at
10:00. The public is invited to attend. Transport arrangements will be communicated to the public in due course. Vendors can sell their goods at designated points during the official memorial service proceedings. However, the sale of alcohol around the Independence Stadium’s vicinity is prohibited. Law enforcement agencies will monitor these activities,’ Theofelus noted.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency