Mr. Patrick Lumumba Asare, the Caretaker in charge of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Faith Congregation-Afienya, has encouraged the youth to respond to the call to serve both the church and the nation for transformation.
The Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Faith Congregation-Afienya, is headed by the Reverend Dr. Benzies Isaac Adu-Okoree.
Speaking on the topic ‘Called to Serve’ at Faith Congregation, Afienya Mr. Asare underscored the significance of answering one’s calling to serve both God and country and stressed the need for the youth to surrender to the call to duty.
He emphasised the transformative impact that answering one’s call to serve God and others could have on both individuals and the community at large and outlined both the physical and spiritual rewards that come with answering to serve and serving diligently as well.
He stated with reference to Matthew 25 that every act of kindness extended to others is, in essence, an act of service to God and would be met with rewards when the time is
He stated that we unlock the door to a profound sense of joy and tranquility that serving others brings. Also, through acts of service, we uncover and develop the gifts within us.
Going beyond mere encouragement, Mr. Asare motivated the congregation to engage in various service initiatives, from local outreach programmes to global missions.
As he concluded his sermon, he said the theme should not only stir renewal and commitment to benevolence but must also spark a collective determination to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Source: Ghana News Agency